11. Detach the hand brake cable from the lever on
the trailing shoe by moving the lever towards
the center of the brake and removing the cable
nipple from its location in the end of the lever
as shown in Figure.
FIG. 74
12. Remove the hand brake cable holder lock pin
from the back plate
FIG. 75
13. Remove the mounting bolt of hand brake
cable on the twist beam axle
14. Disconnect the brake lines mounting on the
twist beam as shown in Fig.
FIG. 76
15. Remove the stub axle and back plate along
with brake shoe assembly as shown in Fig.
FIG. 77
Apply adhesive thread locker HS TS: 25408 on
anchor plate mounting bolts (thread locker code
no: 56506 00256 2) for fitment.
16. Remove the shock absorber lower bolts
(Refer removal and refitment of shock