ix. Piston Connecting Rod Disassembly :
1. Remove piston pin circlip with suitable plier.
2. Remove piston pin from the piston by pushing
it out using a soft drift
3. Remove the connecting rod
Inspection :
Connecting Rods :
1. Inspect connecting rod small end bush and if
necessary, replace it.
2. Check connecting rod small end parent bore
3. If necessary machine connecting rod small end
parent bore to next over size.
4. Ensure that connecting rod big end and small
end axis are parallel to each other and are
within specified limits.
5. Ensure that the centre distance between small
end to big end is maintained within specified
6. Smear oil on parent bore of connecting rod.
Note :
If required Machine the side faces of bush to
match the taper faces of connecting rod.
7. Finish connecting rod small end bush bore on
a connecting rod boring machine.
8. Alternately connecting rod small end bush may
be reamed. The end edges to be chamfered /
deburred manually.
9. Install connecting rod bearing caps without
bearing shells on connecting rod.