Fuel System Cleanliness Instructions :
Follow the below recommended cleanli-
ness procedures before removal of any common
rail system components:
This is to prevent dust
entry in the system and to avoid damage to the ac-
curately machined common rail system
Wash hands before the work. If necessary wear
new plastic gloves.
As soon as there is an opening into the system,
it must be blocked using special cap. After re-
moval and plugging, each component of the
injection system must be stored in a new her-
metically sealed bag.
All plugs / caps and packaging are disposable
and should be discarded after single use.
Before disconnecting the battery make sure that
no data is required from the electronic control
as battery cable disconnection will
erase any fault codes and idle / drive values held
in the keep alive memory (KAM). It is not neces-
sary to disconnect or remove electronic control
Disconnect the battery ground cable, before
working on the 1.05 CRAIL system.
Always follow the cleanliness and safety instruc-
tions and use the correct tightening torques.
Once the engine stops wait for 3 min then start
working on the 1.05 CRAIL system. Do not work
on the injection system with the engine running.
After opening the injection circuit it is strictly for-
bidden to use any tools/ equipment made of a
material which may cause a risk of shedding par-
ticles or fibers
(wood, cloth, cardboard…).
In the
same way, the use of a blower, brush or bristles
is banned because these tools are liable to in-
troduce contaminants into the system.
Do not clean the injectors, even with an ultrason-
ic cleaner.
The packaging for the spare parts should be
opened just before use. The special caps must
not be removed until the final connec-
tion/installation. The plugs and bags must be
discarded after use.
Any part dropped must not be used. Before in-
stalling the injector, it is essential to ensure that
the wells are clean.
Before connecting the harness, check the clean-
liness of the connectors, particularly any fluids
near electrical connections.
Before removing any 1.05 CRAIL components,
vacuum external area with the help of vacuum
cleaner to avoid possible contamination.
HP pipes are one time use only avoid unneces-
sary removal and do not reuse.
Do not leave open inlets and outlets of 1.05
CRAIL components– Cap them immediately
Flushing of CR components should be avoided.
Do not remove battery, sensor & Actuator con-
nections when key is ON
Do not spray water on the ECU
Sensor connections should not be removed un-
HP pipe lines should not be bent and force
should not be applied.
Failed or broken 1.05 CRAIL components should
not be used, leakage may cause injury
Don’t let ECU body touch any metallic part while
the ECU is powered ON (Ignition key switched
Never try to dismantle any engine part while the
ECU is powered ON.
Don’t keep any sensor branch hanging /loose
while assembly. Fix them properly using clips
provided in W/H.
Don’t try to crank the engine without connecting
any of the sensors.
Don’t remove any sensor /injector connector
once fitted and locked properly.
Do not run the vehicle with ‘MIL’ / ‘Check Engine’
lamp ON.
Do not remove back-leak pipes unless the Injec-
tors have to be removed.
Do not bleed the air by removing or loosening
the HP pipes.
Do not start the vehicle if battery voltage is low.
The ECU gets tripped if the battery voltage is
below 6 volts. Replace the battery and then start
the engine.
Do not remove the rail unnecessarily. The rail
can perform maximum 10 assembly/ disassem-
bly cycles of pipes without any damage.
Do not use any failed/ broken water Sedimenter
/fuel filters, even if there’s no external sign of
Keep hands or face (particularly eyes) out of any
high pressure leak.
Do not remove the HP sensor from the rail.
Do not try to measure the resistance of the HP
sensor. This test is destructive for the internal