Introduction :
1.05 L engine incorporates a new technology that
injects diesel into the cylinders, through electronically
controlled fuel injectors. The fuel is pre pressurized
before being injected into the cylinder.
Description :
A tube or common rail having fuel at constant high
pressure connects all the injectors. The high pres-
sure in the common rail ensures that when fuel is
injected, the fuel breaks into fine particles and mixes
evenly with air, thereby leaving little unburned fuel,
hence increasing fuel efficiency and reducing pollu-
tion. The common rail technology also reduces
1.05 CRAIL System :
The 1.05 CRAIL engine from TATA uses DELPHI
high pressure pump to supply diesel to cylinders,
through a common rail and electronically-controlled
The high pressure in the common rail ensures
that when fuel is injected, the fuel breaks up into
small particles and mixes evenly with the air,
thereby leaving little un-burnt fuel, thus reducing
pollution. The common rail principle has been
used to cut out the noise factor which is associat-
ed with diesel engines.
The brain of 1.05 Lf engine is Electronic Control
Unit (ECU), which aids engine functioning at its
optimal capacity. The ECU continuously receives
signal from sensors installed at various locations
in the vehicle.
The ECU also receives continuous input from rail
pressure sensor, which monitors the fuel pressure
depending on engine speed and load. Depending
on the position of throttle pedal, the ECU sends
signal to high pressure pump through Inlet Meter-
ing Valve (IMV), to send the required quantity of
fuel to common rail, thus improving the fuel con-
sumption. The fuel gets distributed through the
common rail to each electronically controlled in-
jector. The ECU then sends signal to the
injectors, on the quantity of fuel to be injected to
produce the required power.
The fuel is injected into the combustion chamber
at specified time and pressure, thereby increasing
the power output and efficiency. The entire pro-
cess takes less than a second.
Finally, to control the exhaust emission, the Ex-
haust Gas Re-circulation (EGR) valve, along with
EGR cooler returns unburnt fuel to the combus-
tion chamber for further combustion, thereby
reducing the release nitrogen oxide and other
particulate matter to atmosphere.
Features of 1.05 CRAIL system :
1.05 CRAIL is powered by 1.05 CRAIL engine
uses advanced Delphi 1600 bar electronic com-
mon rail injection system.
The ECU constantly monitors functioning of vari-
ous sensors and actuators and detects the faults
generated in the system and indicates the status
of fault through the check engine lamp.
1.05 CRAIL engine automatically adjusts to suit
External environment conditions.
Cylinder balancing: The engine speed is well bal-
anced by reducing cyclic variations in the engine
as all the parameter of injectors/injection system,
are controlled by ECU.
Anti-Oscillation Strategy (AOS): The AOS reduc-
es jerks during sudden accelerations. The engine
speed, vehicle speed and gear change is contin-
uously monitored and adjustments are made to
enhance driving pleasure.
Advantages of 1.05 CRAIL Technology :
Electronically controlled fuel injection system.
High pressure injection (1600 bar) for better
emission and pilot injection to reduce noise, vibra-
tion and harshness (NVH).
Highest power and torque.
Excellent drivability.
Improved grade ability / restart ability.
Excellent cruising ability, lower fuel
Improved noise characteristics.
Smoother running and enhanced driving pleas-