Extremely Low Engine Oil Pressure
Check the following:
External leakages.
Oil level in sump up to maximum mark on
dipstick / Check oil level.
Oil pressure switch / indicator for proper
Functioning of pressure relief valve on oil
Oil pumps performance using a suitable
pressure gauge. If low oil pressure is not on
account of above factors, wear of
journals/bearings is indicated for which
overhaul of engine may be considered.
Leakage through oil pumps back plate.
Mechanical Failures
Defective water pump, idler tensioner,
damaged turbocharger, engine mounts or
alternator can be a source of mechanical noise.
Defect can be located by replacing alternator,
water pump, engine mounts, and idler tensioner
with a new one. Metallic knocking sound from an
engine may be due to faulty injectors, excessive
clearance in main and big end bearings, small end
bush, tappets, piston slap, seizing of piston rings,
scored cylinder bore or breakage of any moving
parts. Overhauling of fuel system will set right
Diesel Knock. Dismantling of engine may be
considered if still noise occurs even after
attending all above mentioned problems. Check
for EMS problems if any.