8.28.8 Park Assist Tone:
You can select 3 different types of Park Assist
tones. To change any tone you have to following
sequence of operations,
Go to “Set up -> Vehicle Setup -> Park Assist -
> Park Assist Volume ->Park Assist Volume ->
Park Assist Tone“
8.28.9 Park Assist Delay Timer:
If Park Assist system is deactivated by “Reverse
Gear”, it will take certain configurable time period
to go to previous infotainment screen. This is to
ensure that, Pak Assist should not switch off
immediately for repeated engagements or
disengagements of reverse gear.
You can configure this delay time period by the
following sequence of operations,
“Set Up -> Vehicle Setup -> Park Assist ->Park
Assist Delay Timer”
8.28.10 Park Assist HMI Indications:
In case of park assist fault or malfunction,
following screens may appear on the infotainment
music system.
Critical Fault:
Reasons for this fault might be
a. Park Assist Controller failure
b. Sensor malfunction
c. Partner components such as Infotainment
Music System or Instrument Cluster or Body
Control Module failure.
If you see above screen on Infotainment
music system display, please contact TATA
dealer for rectification.
Reasons for this fault might be
a. Trailer Connected to the vehicle.
b. Vehicle speed is too high where Park Assist
system can’t function
c. If the system is affected by any surrounding
ultrasonic noise.