8.28.17 Sensor Fitment to the bumper:
Due to any reasons, if sensor damages, you have to replace the sensor with the new on. Following
sequence of operations are required to replace the sensor on rear bumper.
Step 1:
Remove the bumper carefully without damaging the wiring harness. Hold the bumper until wiring
harness is carefully ejected from the connectors.
Step 2:
Gently remove the damaged sensor from the snap fitted holder (From bumper B surface). Don’t put
heavy force while removing. This may cause sensor holder loosening/eject out from the bumper.
Step 3
: Remove the sensor wiring harness gently without damaging mating connector lock.
Step 4:
Take new sensor and insert the wiring harness into the sensor properly.
Step 5:
Clean the inside holder area with a cloth to ensure no dust particle resides inside.
Step 6:
Push the sensor (From bumper B surface) into the holder and do the snap fit.
While pushing the sensor, see (from bumper A surface) slip ring flushness to be maintained with bumper