1. Examine Inner Ball Joints and Outer Ball joints
for service failures (any play discard level
more than 0.1 mm at 100 g). If damage to the
joints is evident, replace the parts.
2. In case of accident vehicle and also during
regular overhaul the Rack, Pinion and
Housing set should be checked for visual
cracks, breakage and bend. Check Rack and
Pinion for micro cracks. If any one of the
above is evident, replace the parts. ASSEMBLY OF RACK & PINON
1. Assemble the IBJs on one side. During
assembly, apply loctite 542 (or any thread
sealant) and tighten the IBJs to the required
2. Smear the Shell sterak grease on rack on outer
diameter and on the tooth root and surfaces.
3. Insert the Rack with IBJ into the Housing set via
4. Assemble the Inner ball joint to the outer end of
Rack and secure it against Rack to specified
torque. Follow the same procedure to tighten
IBJ as mentioned in step 2.
5. Assemble the Bellow on the Housing side and
secure the bellow with Bellow strap and Bellow
clip as shown in the fig. Scoop Sili- con grease
using Forefinger and apply on groove of IBJ
prior to the Bellow assembly, to enable bel- low
to rotate relative to IBJ.
6. Fit the Outer Ball joints on either side of inner
Ball joints.
7. Check the free play of the gear at steering
wheel side. (No tyre movement when steering
wheel is turned).