10.3.12. DO’s & DONT’s
Keep suction discharge hose assembly and liquid
line capped until right before assembly of joint.
Ensure that protective sleeves are in proper loca-
tion where specified
Lubricate all pre-installed O-rings with specified
refrigerant mineral oil
(Reference assembly in-
prior to assembly of joints. Pre-
lubricated, preinstalled O-rings do not require lu-
brication prior to installation unless the oil has
absorbed into the O-ring and the surface is dry.
Seat O-ring in its female cavity prior to hand start-
ing and torquing joint nuts.
Seat male end form with O-ring in its female cavi-
ty prior to torquing the mini block-fitting joint.
Use two wrenches for making each refrigerant
joint connection - a calibrated torque wrench on
the nut and a backup wrench on the mating nut or
a block fitting wrench on the block.
Clip or secure hoses and lines as specified.
Be sure caps are tight on access valves. To in-
sure tightness, screw caps down until cap seal
contacts valve housing and then give it ¼ to ½
turn more.
Assemble dual O-ring fitting joints as follows:
a) Oil bore with a specified oiling tool using mineral
b) Do not oil O-rings.
c) Align end forms and then push together com-
d) Tighten joint to specified torque using a backup
Rotate stock on a first-in first-out basis.
Finger start all mounting bolts that thread into
compressor or brackets. Also finger start the bolt
securing the block fitting on the suction discharge
hose assembly to the compressor.
DO: Oil O-rings with mineral oil prior to assem-
bling a refrigerant joint. Pre-oiled O-rings do not
require oiling unless the oil has been absorbed in-
to the O-ring and the surface is dry.
DO: Use specified mineral oil to lubricate O-rings
(Reference assembly instructions )
DO: Use correct refrigerant O-rings in the vehicle
refrigerant system
. (Refer to assembly instruc-
tions for part numbers).
Make connections with bends, kinks, or obstruc-
tions in lines.
Use bolt or nut to “walk” manifold block or mini
block into it’s mating part. Proper technique is
with O-ring in seat, push blocks together trapping
seal washer before running up and tightening the
Allow hoses and lines to rub against adjacent
Bend metal lines to ease assembly. Do not use
lines as a handle to lift the compressor or con-
Use lines contaminated with water.
Allow hoses and lines to directly contact sheet
metal or touch hot engine components.
Use bent twisted, kinked or damaged hoses and
Combine refrigerant joint assembly operations
with “dirty” operations such as gritty brackets, oily
suspension components, etc.
Process “broken” operations where one operator
loosely assembles a joint and a subsequent op-
erator tightens the joint to required torque.
Use PAG oil to lubricate O-rings.
Lubricate seal washers prior to attaching refriger-
ant lines to components.
Use PAG lubricant to lubricate O-rings.