Conditions for key learning are
1. At least one Learned E – key is Must
2. At the time of cranking Battery voltage should
not go below 10 Volts.
3. Diagnostic Software with latest version to be
1. Connect the diagnostic software through
Diagnostic Link Coupler (DLC). Switch on the
ignition with Learned key. Then select
“TATA_Antitheft_Immobilizer” option & click on
“Locking, Key Routines”.
2. Click “Transponder key learning ADD”
3. Immobilizer LED starts blinking. Once
blinking starts it means, Key is learned. Blinking
continues up to 30 seconds.
4. Within the 30 seconds switch OFF the ignition
and take out the key. Then insert the second
key and switch ON the ignition. Immobilizer LED
continues to be ON and starts blink. This means
second key is learned. Blinking will continue up
to next 30 sec.
5. For more e-keys repeat step number 4. Up to
six Keys can be learned at a time.
6. Now exit from the software and switch off
7. Again switch ON ignition and open
Immobilizer software. Select
“Locking, Key
8. Check the status of learning by selecting the
option “Transponder Key learning STATUS “.
Also check the status of each key by Immobilizer
LED. After inserting the learned key, if LED goes
off it means keys are learned.
All E-keys need to be learnt, as ICU
removes all memory of existing keys except
the one used while initiating the procedure. If
any of the key is left without learning that
means it will not be a functional one.
A. For replacing only Immobilizer Control
Start the Diagnostic software and select
“TATA_Antitheft_Immobilizer” option.
Now click on the “Pair with EMS ECU”
button and follow the instructions.
: in Software version-1.6, VIN number entry
is not required for replacing only one control unit
B. For replacing only EMS-ECU Unit:
Start the Diagnostic software and select
specific vehicle model (1.05L CRAIL / 1.2 NA
NG) option and in that click on “ECU
Functions MORE” option.
Now click on the “
Pair with IMMO
” button
and follow the instructions
in Version – 1.6 software, VIN number
entry is not required for replacing only one control
C. For replacing both EMS-ECU and ICU Units:
Start the Diagnostic software and select
“TATA_Antitheft_Immobilizer” option.
Now click on the “
Write VIN No
” button and
enter the VIN number.
As AES key is based on VIN no,
proper care should be taken while reading and
writing of VIN No. & it cannot be changed once
it is written into the ICU. Any irregularity in
the above procedure may leads to vehicle
immobilization, in spite of new Immobilizer.
Now click on the
“Pair with EMS ECU”
and follow the instructions.
After this stage, come out of the “Immobilizer”
option and go to “EMS-ECU” option.
Click on
“Pair with IMMO”
option and follow
the instructions.