Key In reminder
While leaving your vehicle, if you forget key inside the vehicle in Ignition OFF position, buzzer will provide
sound warning. Remove Key to stop the warning.
Park Bulb ON reminder
While leaving your vehicle, if you forget to turn OFF the Head Bulbs, buzzer will provide sound warning.
Switch off Park Bulbs to stop the warning. Do not forget to turn OFF your Head Bulbs as it may drain your
Car Battery.
Park Brake ON reminder
If Park Brake is applied and vehicle is driven, telltale will turn ON and buzzer will provide sound warning
above 5km/hr continuously. Disengage the park brake to stop sound warning.
Reverse Gear reminder
If Reverse Gear is engaged by you, sound warning for 1 second will be given to alert you. This chime is
applicable for both Manual and AMT transmission vehicles.