3. No output from BCM (HIGH)
Refer BCM Diagnosis
Side repeater lamps not
1. Connectors (2 pole) at the
lamps loose
Connect the connectors properly
2. Bulb loose/ blown
Fix the bulb properly. Replace bulb if
3. Grounding point no.
Tighten grounding properly
4. No output from BCM (HIGH)
Refer BCM Diagnosis
Indicator lamps not working
when hazard warning switch
is operated
1. 8 pole connector at the front
fascia panel switch loose
Fix the connector terminal properly
2. Hazard warning switch faulty
Replace switch
3. No output from BCM
Refer BCM diagnosis
Reverse lamp not working
1. Grounding point no. E00 loose Tighten grounding properly
2. Bulb fused
Replace bulb if blown
3. 8 pole tail lamp connector
Fix the connector properly
Stop (Brake) lamps not
1. 8 pole tail lamp connector
Tighten the connector properly
2. Bulbs fused
Fix the bulbs properly. Replace bulbs
if blown
3. Brake lamp switch faulty
Replace switch
Stop Lamps are controlled by BCM. If issue not resolved by above
methods, BCM diagnosis should be referred.
Stop(Brake) Lamp and High
Mounted Stop Lamp not
1. Stop Lamp and High Mounted
Stop lamp 10A. Fuse in Cabin
Fuse Box Blown
Replace Fuse
Single front parking lamp not
1. Head Lamp connector
Fix connector properly(10 pole) loose
2. Grounding point loose
Tighten the grounding properly
3. Bulb fused
Fix the bulb properly. Replace bulb if
4. Parking lamp LH/RH fuse (5A)
Cabin fuse box loose/blown the
circuit and then replace
Fix the fuse properly in the base. i n If
blown, check for short in the fuse
Single rear parking lamp not
1. Grounding point loose
Tighten grounding properly
2. Parking lamp LH/RH fuse(5A)
Cabin fuse box loose /blown
Fix the fuse properly in the base, i n if
blown, check for short in the circuit
and then replace the fuse