Whenever the brakes are applied, the Vehicle
wheels transmit this braking force to the road
surface. To achieve optimal deceleration each
wheel should be braked to the point of imminent
lock. In this manner maximum possible braking
force would be imparted to the road surface.
However if a wheel is braked be- yond this level it
will lock which can result in the vehicle skidding
and the driver losing control.
During normal braking there is always a level of
load transfer from the rear axle to the front. During
this occurrence it is necessary to ensure that the
rear axle wheels do not reach the point of lock
before the front axle wheels.
On vehicles without ABS and EBD this is
achieved through the use of a pressure conscious
regulating valve (PCRV) which limits the pressure
to the rear axle to give a front first locking
sequence. The PCRV allows only a
predetermined pressure to the rear wheels to
avoid locking of the rear axle wheels before the
front axle wheels. As a mechanical fixed ratio
component it cannot adapt to the condition of the
vehicle brakes, tires or to the road or vehicle load
conditions, and hence it cannot achieve ideal
braking at the rear axel
To enable optimum braking at the rear axle while
maintaining vehicle stability during braking EBD is
provided. It enables the distribution of brake force
between the front and rear axle brakes to be
adjusted throughout the vehicle life, irrespective of
the condition of the vehicle brakes, tires; or to the
road, vehicle load conditions.
In the case of EBD failure the driver will be
In emergency braking conditions and when driving
on wet or slippery road surfaces like snow and
Ice, gravel, steel plates and bridges etc.. it is
possible that the braking forces at the wheel
exceed those possible wheel locking limits.. This
will result in wheel locking (stopping rotating). If
one or more wheels locks during braking, the
vehicle can go into a skid and no longer be
controlled by the drive as he will have lost steer
To avoid the wheels from locking and prevent the
vehicle from skidding ABS is provided. It prevents
the wheels from locking and maintains the steer-
ability of the vehicle thereby helping the driver to
maintain stability of the vehicle while bringing it to
a stop in the safest possible way.
In the case of ABS failures the driver will be
alerted and the conventional braking circuit will
still be operational.