1. Do not spill the brake fluid on the vehicle, as it may damage the paint. To keep fluid from spraying or
running out of lines and hoses, drain it in a suitable collector and wrap the fittings with shop clothes when
disconnecting them.
2. During servicing keep grease, oil, brake fluid, or any other foreign material off the brake linings, calipers,
3. Use only DOT4 brake fluids confirming to SAE J1704 from a sealed container. Ensure brake fluid is not
4. Use only genuine recommended spare parts only, as it seriously affects the braking efficiency and could
otherwise lead to disastrous situations.
5. All fasteners in brake system are important attaching parts as they could affect the performance of vital
parts and system.
6. Ensure that recommended Tightening Torque values are maintained during assembly.
7. Welding of brake parts should not be done as it may result in damage or weakening of components in the
8. Do not reuse brake fluid removed from hydraulic lines during bleeding.