The suspension of TIAGO is designed in such a
way to offer greater passenger comfort.
The technological solutions adopted to reach
this goal can be summarized as follows:
Front suspension geometry with the positioning
of the front and rear pivot bushes, have made it
possible to contain the effect of vibration caused
due to road undulations; also, helps to decouple
the effect of acceleration, braking and cornering
loads, providing better stability in all driving
Twist beam Suspension also referred as
Torsion Beam Suspension designed to provide
key advantages of both independent
suspension and rigid axle suspension. This ‘H’
shaped Semi-independent rear suspension is
designed to increase structural rigidity and
increase the flexibility of the suspension through
improved bushing.
Nitrogen gas charged shock absorbers with
improved design configuration for better ride
and reduced noise levels in the passenger
Vertical orientation of rear Shock absorbers and
their placement with respect to the wheel center
provides advantage of effective damping.
Stiffness and damping characteristics are
modified to suit vehicle ride and handling
Focus during design of components has always
been related to comfort; technical solutions
which are more common in premium vehicles
such as asymmetric rear lower control arm
bushes to minimize impact harshness are
Structural rigidity of suspension Sub-frame
increased to produce better vibrational and
acoustic isolation inside the passenger cabin.