8. Pivot the CV joint cage and the inner race 90
to the centre line of the outer race. At the
same time, align the cage windows with the
lands of the outer race. Lift out the cage and
the inner race.
9. Clean the inner and outer race assemblies,
the CV joint cage and the chrome alloy balls
thoroughly with cleaning solvent. Remove all
traces of old grease and any contaminates.
10. Dry all the parts. Check the CV joint assembly
for unusual wear, cracks, or other damage. If
any of the parts are damaged entire sub-
assembly is to be replaced. Clean the axle
11. Use a wire brush to remove any rust in the
seal mounting area (grooves).
1. Put a light coat of grease from service kit on
the ball grooves of the inner race and the
outer race.
2. Hold the inner race 90° to the centre line of
the cage with the lands of the inner race
aligned with the windows of cage.
3. Insert the inner race into the cage.
4. Hold the cage and inner race 90° to the center
line of the outer race. Align the cage windows
with the lands of the outer race. Important:
Ensure that the retaining ring side of the inner
race faces the axle shaft. Install the cage and
the inner race into outer race.