Components :
A. Radiator :
The radiator is a heat exchanger that is used to dis-
sipate the coolant heat. A radiator fan is used to
create forced air circulation.
Radiator consists of radiator core, inlet tank and an
outlet tank.
Cores are usually made of aluminum. The core has
two sets of passages, a set of tubes and a set of
fins attached to the tubes. The tubes run from inlet
tank to outlet tank. Coolant flows through the tubes
and air flows between the fins. The atmospheric air
passing between the fins carries away the heat,
which lowers the temperature of the coolant.
B. Auxiliary Tank :
As the engine cools down the system pressure falls
down and vacuum is formed. The vacuum valve in
radiator cap opens and allows the water from the
Auxiliary tank to go back into the radiator. Thus the
system does not have any coolant loss during nor-
mal operation.
C. Thermostat :
The thermostat controls the flow of coolant as fol-
1. During a cold start, thermostat does not allow
coolant to flow to radiator since it is closed; in-
stead the coolant flows through bypass outlet
back to the engine .Thus short circuiting of radia-
tor which helps in attaining engine working
temperature in a very short period.
2. As soon as the coolant temperature reaches the
opening temperature of the thermostat, the
thermostat valve starts opening gradually and
coolant starts flowing to the radiator. At the
same time the thermostat by-pass starts closing
3. As the engine working temperature reaches
thermostat full open temperature, the thermostat
valve opens fully. In this condition maximum
quantity of engine coolant flows from radiator to
water pump.