Sensor Stand alone Diagnosis :
Connector details :
Injector 1
1. ECU pin M2H2 : signal
2. supply voltage - 12V
Injector 2
1. ECU pin M2G3 : signal
2. supply voltage - 12V
Injector 3
1. ECU pin M2G2 : signal
2. supply voltage - 12V
Injector 4
1. ECU pin M2H3 : signal
2. supply voltage - 12V
Use multimeter to check coil resistance
which should be 12.25ohms ± 0.5ohms
V. Electronic
Throttle Body :
Component Details :
A DC motor drive is used to move the throttle
valve over the complete movement range. The
DC motor is directly controlled by the ECU of the
Diesel engine. Throttle Valve H-bridge driver of
EMS ECU provides bidirectional control with
active recirculation and over current detection.
Component Location :
The throttle position sensor is mounted on intake
manifold upstream side.
Preliminary Checks :
1. Please check whether dust/mud/any
particle is blocking throttle valve.
2. Please check whether the throttle valve is
stuck closed.
3. Please check for any throttle body related
faults and rectify those faults by following
their rectification procedure.