For 1.2L NG (Petrol) Engine:
12V, 44.0Ah
For 1.05L CRAIL (Diesel) Engine
12V, 47.5Ah
Using Hydrometer:
A hydrometer is a float-type device used to
determine the State-of-Charge by measuring the
specific gravity of the electrolyte in each cell. It is
an accurate way of determining a battery's State-
of-Charge and weak or dead cells.
Visual Inspection:
Visually inspect for such as a loose or broken
alternator belt, low electrolyte levels, dirty or wet
battery top, corroded or swollen cables, corroded
terminals or battery posts, loose hold-down
clamps, loose cable terminals, or a leaking or
damaged battery case.
If the electrolyte levels are low in non-sealed
batteries, allow the battery to cool and add only
distilled water to the level indicated by the battery
Tighten loose hold-down clamps and battery
Check the battery terminals for corrosion (a
white or yellowish powder). To remove it, cover
the terminals with a solution of baking soda. It
will bubble up and turn brown.
When this stops wash it off with plain water. Dry
off the battery with a cloth or paper towel.
Coat the terminal with petroleum jelly to
prevent future corrosion.
Use a proper wrench to loosen and remove
cables from the terminals.
Always disconnect the negative (-ve) cable first
and reconnect it last.
Clean the battery terminals with a terminal
cleaning tool or wire brush. Reconnect and
tighten the cables, coat the terminals with
petroleum jelly.
Ensure that battery securely mounted.
If you need to connect the battery to a charger,
disconnect both cables to prevent damage to
the vehicle’s electrical system.
Clean the battery top and alternator.
Check the alternator belt for cracks and
retention, if slipping.
Check the battery cables for corrosion or
swelling and replace if necessary with equal or
larger diameter wire size.
During normal operation, the battery generates
gas which is explosive in nature, a spark or open
flame can cause the battery to explode causing
very serious injuries. Keep all sparks & open
flames and smoking materials away from the
battery. Getting electrolyte in your eyes or on the
skin can cause severe burns. Wear protective
clothing and a face shield or have a skilled
technician to do the battery maintenance. The
battery contains sulphuric acid (electrolyte) which
is poisonous and highly corrosive in nature.