Diagnostic Manual
Remove Code will be provided to you on a screen. Note down this Removal code
In the Support ED website, go to unlock code screen & click the Remove code icon.
Here, you have to enter the Removal code received earlier.
Save the record. If the code is correct it will accept and the record will be deleted from the Service
Request Details.
Now you can install the diagnostic software to a new PC / Laptop. After installation you will get
same License screen similar as Image1, only difference will be that the software will be locked.
You will have to raise a Service Request for generation of the INIT / Activation Code, by logging on
to Support ED website. Enter the MID and SITE Code on the locking screen and Save the request.
Send us a screen shot of the saved Service Request for our reference. On our approval, you have
to repeat the same process for the code generation.
Finally, you can run the software.
Important Points :
The ‘Remove License’ procedure allows user to transfer the same software to
any other required laptop / PC & get the INIT code from website same as First
time INIT code.