Diagnostic Manual
3. Delete the entire directory under the above folder. You should now be able to install normally.
If you can’t see that folder, you need to have properties of hidden files and folders to visible
a. In the Windows Explorer window, go to Tools->Folder Options…
b. Select the ‘View’ tab
c. Under “Hidden files and folders” select “Show hidden files and folders”.
8) Question / Issue: While we clicking start button, its showing communication port is busy.
Close all other application and try again. We removed the software and reinstalled accord-
ing to your advice but same problem is arise again and again.
For Communication issue, we would like to know which Interface device (Silicon RS232,
Silicon USB, Samtec HS light) you are using.
1. Silicon USB – Possibly, USB drivers are not installed or not correctly installed on the laptop, with
which you are trying to do communication.
2. Download and Install the Pre-requisites required for the USB device. This can be downloaded
from Support ED website with Part No. 210323359949.This will contain all the Pre-requisites, find
Install14230USBDrivers.exe named item and install it.
Silicon USB VCI is not supported on following: 1.Windows VISTA and above Operating
System. 2. WinXP 64 bit Operating System. For the above you need to use SAMTEC VCI.
3. Samtec HS Light - This device needs to be configured on the laptop before communication. For
the same you can refer, Samtec Prerequisites - User Guide.pdf of Support ED website. More
details on Samtec VCI and Installation procedures refer Software Installation Manual.
9) Question / Issue: Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154
From the information provided, our early diagnosis suggest that Prerequisites are not been
installed. Follow the below mentioned steps:
1. Download the Pre-requisites required for the diagnostic software. This can be downloaded from
website with Part No. 210323359949
2. Extract the contents and run the SetupSamDiaX_6.2.5.0.exe from the folder.
3. You need to now configure the Samtec to your laptop, for the same refer Samtec Pre requisites –
User guide.pdf in Ref Documents link in ed.tatamotors.com website.
10) Question / Issue: After getting INIT code and unlocking the software, we try to operate it
after clicking on continue button but, the windows disappeared and is not appearing again
The problemmay be due to virus infecting license files of the software in the laptop. Follow
the below mentioned steps.
1. Scan the laptop with updatedAnti-virus
2. Remove the License of the software you desire to use.
3. Raise new Service Request for issuing new INIT code / license. This will probably solve the prob-