Diagnostic Manual
Fuel Consumption Tester
Usually customers are complaining about the less fuel mileage of vehicle. Here you will find the fuel
consumption tester on ed.tatamotors.com site for some of the TML models.
Service technician can easily check the fuel consumption of with the help of
“Average Fuel
Consumption tester”.
Before conducting the mileage test along with customer, it is necessary to carry out the following
checks on the vehicle:
Check & correct the tyre pressures on all wheels
Check wheel drag torque by rotating wheels
Check & clean air filter element
Check Parking brake adjustment
Check Engine smoke (Black/White/Normal)
Check for any DTC registered in EMS ECU with the help of diagnostics. Rectify, if found, as per
laid down procedure.
Check engine parameters with the help of diagnostics
CheckAccelerator cable (slack/No slack)
Check & rectify fuel leakages from joints, if any
Check for Fuel contamination